Monday 21 December 2009

Certified Business Analyst Professional (CBAP)

Well Im going to start wirting aka blurping ..sorry blogging as I prepare for the much appreciated certification in Business analysis field " Yes i will write as I reach towards a shot term goal of becoming a (CBAP) Certified Business Analysis Professional ...offerred by
Stage 1 :
Completed my online application on dec 21 2009 ..see if I get accepted based on my experience and credentials...
----- waiting...

While I wait I thought I will post some places that i came across where you can gain FREE PDU's
1.        ---> has 5 free PDU's
2. Attend free webminars at
  You can gain free PDU's for CBAP !!!

Friday 20 November 2009

Missing objective's in operational projects

After several years enduring in development and support projects..Im forced to write this ..
Even in today's troubled and choppy economic condition I wonder if the management ( well im talking about IT industry ) really understands the value of new intiatives and more importantly the purpose that it will serve once it gets built .. Im sure lot of blogs out there talk on the same lines.. anyways I just want to write out..Recently we were summoned to develop a tool that will cater to a certain set of operational folks , mostly the list of tasks that need to be done were pretty lined out ..and we are about to start the exploratory work of figuring out how to go about doing it ..Well here's the catch .. Intially a few tasks are to be taken so that the whole work can be done in small chunks.. the problem is none of them in excution team or in the management has made a effort to actually talk to operational team to ask them if the task list will add value to them and what their view about the intiative was because eventually these people are the ones who will be the end users and who will benefit from such a intiative...all that is required is a 30 minute meeting with relevant end users ...
Thinking about this this a communication gap ..or is someone in a hurry to do something just for the sake of doing it ...
Point is if u spend resources and deliver something which is of lesser value to your customers , rather if you spend a little more time in communicating to relevant stake holders ..every project's business value can be easily increased ...Identify your stake holders..!!! thats the take from this ..Well the word stakeholders is often misconstrued in technical community , thinking it only refers to business ..rather who ever is going to be effected by a intiative or project directly is a "stakeholder!!..